Continuous Cover Forestry and why we (badly) need more of it

The concept of Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) has always made a lot of sense to me. Intuitively, forests need trees. The fungi, plants and animals that live in forests need trees. So we should manage our forests to maintain tree cover and not clear fell large areas. Natural processes have evolved over thousands of years […]

Forests could provide more rural employment

After what has felt like a very wet and windy winter, a milder and calmer spell of weather in mid-February brought an awakening in the woods. Frogs began their somewhat frenzied activity of spawning and could be heard croaking in the pond and ditch. Birds started to make their voices heard. Song thrush, mistle thrush, […]

Sitka spruce: the ugly, the bad and the good

Sitka spruce is the commonest tree in Comar Wood and also the commonest tree in Scotland, very successful but also highly controversial. My feelings towards this tree have been gradually evolving so I thought I would write a bit about it here. Sitka spruce in Scotland Non-native trees have acquired a negative reputation amongst many […]

Thoughts on the Glen Affric forestry management plan

All of the land above Comar Wood is managed by Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS, formerly known as Forestry Commission Scotland). Their land extends west up Glen Affric, of which they manage a large part. They are currently updating their ten-year management plan for this area and as part of the process they are obliged […]