Sitka spruce: the ugly, the bad and the good

Sitka spruce is the commonest tree in Comar Wood and also the commonest tree in Scotland, very successful but also highly controversial. My feelings towards this tree have been gradually evolving so I thought I would write a bit about it here. Sitka spruce in Scotland Non-native trees have acquired a negative reputation amongst many […]

About the management plan

Following on from the previous post about what we currently have in the woodland, here is an overview of the proposed management plan. I fully expect that elements of it will change as I experience the realities of putting it into practice, but this is the current version.  As you will have gathered, although it […]

About Comar Wood

Here is a more detailed description of the current state of the woodland. (For the idiot’s guide see my earlier post ( There is a post coming soon about our proposed management plan – they’re sort of linked, so I hope you are paying attention! Where is it? Comar Wood is in Strathglass, a fairly […]